Having trouble growing your email list?
Having trouble creating a consistent social media look?
Tight on budget, but want to brand your blog or business?
We have the solution for you.
You did it. You’re taking your business one step further and are reinventing yourself by creating opportunities amid adversity. The possibilities are endless right now, but also a little overwhelming. We get it because we’ve done it ourselves. Over 10 years ago, we reshaped our business by creating a dynamic online presence and have had successful growth ever since.
Now, we want to help you do the same.
CW Designs has created Monthly Design Packages for emerging online business owners, and business owners who want to take their platform to the next level. We offer unique design, branding, social media guidance, and confidence for our fellow entrepreneurs who are creative, sculptors of their own futures.
Opportunity requires us to be bold innovators. At CW designs we understand this more than ever. Join us now, and we can help you create a new presence, align you with like-minded communities, and assist you in growing your business in a way that is unique and competitive.
Change can be simple, but it’s not always easy. While you focus on what you do best, let us do for you what we do best.
Month Package details

$29.99/Month Package details
Doors close on this deal May 18!
Editable Cover Image
Editable Quote Squares
Holiday Images
Editable Quote Squares
Story Background
Story Gifs
Blog Planner
“Giveaway” Printable
Device Images:
Phone Wallpaper/Lock screen Image
IPAD Wallpaper/Lock screen Image
Commit to a full 6 months right away! Join now & pay for all 6 months immediately for only
$25/month (flat fee of $150; savings of $29.94)
Doors close on this deal May 18!
Sign up now and receive a FREE Thank You Card high Res PDF with your Logo!
Have Questions?! Visit our Q&A below:
Q: How long do I have to sign up?
A: Doors are closing on Monday, May 18! Sign up before we close the doors for another 6 months!
Q: How & when will I receive the files?
A: The files will be delivered 2 ways; within the Private Facebook Page as well as within a “Design Portal” for you to extract whenever you’d like! They will be ready on the first of each month. Also on the first, Carol will have a Q&A for you to discuss any questions you might have!
Q: What if I don’t know how to use the files? What now?
A: Ask Carol! Ask Carol any questions you want on how or why to use your new images! She’ll also have videos on how to use the images.
Q: How will the Private Facebook Page help me?
A: The Design Bundle Private Facebook Page will be a great resource to help you understand how to use the images and why to use them.
Q: For how long will the Design Monthly Bundles be within the Private Facebook Page?
A: 6 months! Each Month will stay within it’s own file for easy downloading.
Q: What kind of “experts” will be coming on the facebook page to help us?
A: Photographers, bloggers, and social media experts to help you set up your newsletter to attract more visitors!
Q: I have a question that’s not on here! How can I ask Carol?!
A: She’s standing by, click her image in the bottom right corner of this page and ask her a question about the package!
Q: How many of each images will I receive?
A: Instagram: Editable Quote Squares (2/month), Story Background (2/month), Story Gifs (6/month), Holiday Images (a few each month)
Printables: Calendar (2/month), Blog Planner (1/month but b&w & color), “Giveaway” Printable (1/month)
Facebook: Editable Cover Image (1/month), Editable Quote Squares (2/month), Holiday Images (a few each month)
Device Images: Phone Wallpaper/Lock screen Image (1/month), IPAD Wallpaper/Lock screen Image (1/month)