Pink Watercolor Venue Signage

Entrance Pink.jpg
Layout of all pieces includes-01.png
Table Floor Plan Pink.jpg

Pink Watercolor Venue Signage


4 Style Options available! Choose all 4, and save. Find the bundle of all 4 designs here:

You may not transfer or sell these designs to any third party.

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You asked and we listened. CW Designs (Carol Sullivan) has partnered with Each & Every Detail to create stylish social distancing and event detail signage. Based on the Governor’s Strike Force Open Texas Checklists, we’ve come up with a comprehensive bundle of graphics for your convenience. Each bundle includes signage for your venue entrance, ceremony area, dance floor, restrooms, bars, at risk area and more! With four designs to choose from, you can purchase each design bundle for $99 or you can purchase all four design styles at the deeply discounted rate of $199.  Upon purchase, you’ll be able to download each sign with recommended sizing to take to your local printer or print on your own. 

If you’d like a custom sign designed, please contact Carol for details. CW Designs can also handle printing services, just e-mail Carol ( for a quote.

This purchase is for Digital Download Signage
Nothing will be shipped, this order is for files only.
These JPG files are included and will immediately download once purchased

Please see the image of all signs included, there is a list below as well.

1) Venue Entrance 1 – 3 (24” x 18” & 18” x 24” & 24” x 36”)
2) Venue Entrance 1 – 1 (8” x 10” & 36” x 24”)
3) Restroom Door – 1 (8” x 10”)
4) Restroom Door; Please social distance – 1 (8” x 10”)
5) Dance Floor Rules – 2x (14x11 and 24” x 18”)
6) Bar  – 1 8x10
7) Ceremony Area 1 – 2x (24” x 18” & 24” x 36”)
8) Ceremony Area 2 – 2x (24” x 18” & 24” x 36”)
9) At Risk Area – 1 (11” x 14”)
10) Floor plan – 1 (18”x24”)
11) General Sign, Here for you – 2x (14” x 11” & 24” x 36”)

BONUS! 2 Different designs/fonts for 24x6.75 “Large Please Social Distance” Signs

© CW Designs 2020 to present day
C O P Y R I G H T The original copyright is retained by CW Designs
As the Purchaser, you receive the commercial/personal use license, permitting you to use the downloadable files associated with this listing, online or in print.

You may not transfer or sell these designs to any third party.

Please contact us to purchase an extended license.
No credit to CW Designs is required.