San Miguel de Allende

San Miguel Mexico looks simply amazing. A friend owns a hotel there and it looks fantastic. She held a birthday celebration there this past year at the hotel. The Casa Tres Cervezas looks just divine! It even has it’s own Yoga room AND it’s own yoga instructor if you please! We designed a Tri-Fold Itinerary that had all the women’s room number, their flight information, and their phone numbers. The Itinerary also had on the entire week’s plans so everyone could be on board and not have to bother the birthday girl! It even featured personalized characters of each woman at the event! How special is that!?

I’ve done a few maps for a few events in this same location! We also design activities and places with a little explanation of each to help the guest know what to expect from each of their stops!

Personalized Characters

Totes are available in bulk on etsy here and are also offered at wholesale. Email for more information on wholesale.

Real Estate Marketing

How do you market as a Real Estate Agent? I mean, because, lets be real, all Real Estate Agents market exactly the same…am I right?! Same ideas over and over again. I’ve started doing marketing that is so much more fun for agents! Maps of their selling areas. Some agents put the schools and most popular and useful areas in their city/state. I’ve been designing real estate maps for years now and these are a few of my favs for McKinney Texas! When we moved here I met Valarie Kerby. She has her own style and we designed around the town with her style and voila! Now we have more than 48 maps together over the past 7 years! Now we are also creating her Social Media posts specifically for her and her branding. Check it all out! Since Valarie is into ALL the things for ALL the holidays, we’ve design for every holiday too! :) We even animated her original map! Check it out at the bottom of the post. Enjoy!

McKinney Valarie Map_Postcard Front Map.png
McKinney Valarie Map B_Postcard Front Map.png
Real Estate Marketing
Real Estate Marketing
McKinney Postcard Layout Valarie.jpg
McKinney Valarie Map 4th of July 2016_Postcard Front Map.png
McKinney Valarie 2016 September Back to School_Postcard Front Map.png
McKinney Valarie Map 4th of July 2016_Postcard Back copy.png
McKinney Valarie 2016 September Back to School_ .png
McKinney Valarie Map FALL B_Postcard Front Map.png
McKinney Valarie Map_Postcard Back copy.png
Real Estate Marketing
McKinney Valarie Map Chiristmas 2019_Postcard Front Map.png
Mckinney Valarie Map Back to School 207 D_Postcard Front Map.png
Christmas Real Estate Marketing
Mckinney Valarie Map Back to School 207 D_Postcard Back copy.png
McKinney Valarie Map Feb 2017 A_Postcard Front Map.png
Thanksgiving Real Estate Marketing
Real Estate Marketing Ideas

Instagram and Facebook Posts

McKinney Texas Animated Map

CW Designs created this animated map for McKinney real estate agent, Valarie Kerby. Our animated maps are perfect for real estate agents looking to grab thei...

Are you a realtor? Check out more ideas here! Contact me if you’d like me to help you with marketing!

XOXO, Carol